The reasons of the Earth
Words, habits and stories of Piedmontese agriculture
The ‘Le ragioni della terra. Parole, gesti e storie dell'agricoltura piemontese’ project by the Piedmont Region Agricultural Department in collaboration with the ‘Granai della memoria’ (Granaries of Memory) Laboratory of the University of Gastronomical Sciences, was established in spring 2017 with the aim of identifying, selecting and collecting testimonies representing the territorial, cultural and entrepreneurial complexity and diversity of the agricultural system in Piedmont.
The method used to identify the subjects to interview – based on the experience of ethnographical investigation and sampling built up over the years by the 'Granai della memoria' Laboratory – starts geographically from the 15 geographic areas into which the Piedmont regional territory has been divided within the Regional Landscape Plan
The testimonies gathered were used to create 35 video-interviews each lasting around 3-5 minutes that can be seen further on in the review, while the full interviews have been archived on the portal of the 'Granai della memoria' portal.
Presentation video with extracts of the interviews collected in the "Le ragioni della terra" project